Multi-drug resistant bacteria

美 [ˈmʌlti drʌɡ rɪˈzɪstənt bækˈtɪriə]英 ['mʌlti drʌɡ rɪˈzɪstənt bækˈtɪəriə]
  • 网络多重耐药菌
Multi-drug resistant bacteriaMulti-drug resistant bacteria
  1. Practice and experience in controlling nosocomial infection of multi-drug resistant bacteria


  2. Domestic Meropenem in Treatment of Infection for Multi-drug Resistant Bacteria : A Clinical Study


  3. Enhancing Infection Management of Multi-drug Resistant Bacteria in Hospital for Patients ′ Medical Safety


  4. Microorganisms of nosocomial infections was mainly multi-drug resistant bacteria .


  5. The treatment to the severe infections caused by these multi-drug resistant bacteria has been a big problem in clinical healings .


  6. Multi-drug resistant bacteria Isolated mainly in the departments which had old age patients , interventional therapy , and patients with severe underlying disease .


  7. In the four kinds of multi-drug resistant Gram-negative bacteria , the β - lactamase gene had high detection rates , indicating as the broad-spectrum antimicrobial generally used in clinical could lead to the phenomenon of multi-drug resistance bacteria growing .
